The following resources are from the Resources section of “An Intentional Marriage: Tools for a Stronger Relationship


  1. Being intentional in your relationships means that you have a clear focus and purpose for the connection you share with someone else. It means that you are able to identify the value in each of your relationships and are attentive to the unique needs that each one has. Before understanding how to be intentional in your relationships, you must first learn how to be intentional with yourself.

  1. Relationships are a crucial part of our lives, and creating a strong, long-lasting relationship requires intentionality and effort. In this article, we will explore the importance of intentionality in relationships and provide practical tips for building a successful, fulfilling partnership that stands the test of time.

  1. Intentionality means paying attention: It means doing things on purpose—not passively, not reflexively, not because we are required to. Doing something with the intention of getting as much out of it as possible, whatever that happens to mean in context.

  1. Relationships thrive when couples realize that the seemingly insignificant moments, such as a loving hug and kiss when one partner comes home, are often the most significant of all. By being intentional, couples can transform dull, mindless routines into a source of connection and fun.

  1. Julia Swann has an excellent web article titled “Intentional Living – Mindful Habits for Everyday Happiness” in which she discusses the process, the follow-through, and the benefits of practicing intentional living.


She also recommends the following books:

    • “Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters” by John Maxwell
    • “Intention” by Andrew Wallas
    • “An Intentional Life: Five Foundations of Authenticity and Purpose” by Lisa Kentgen
    • “Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy” by Mallika Chopra
  1. At Intentional Living, we have a passion to help people live intentionally in the five essential areas of life: Faith, Relationships, Health, Finances and Work. Ever since our establishment in 2007 we have been motivated by our God-given mission, vision, and message.The Intentional Life is a practical way of living as God would have you live, designed to help you solve common problems you encounter in your personal and family relationships. It will help you make better decisions in every area of your life. But more than that, Intentional Living can empower you to move beyond mere problem solving to achieve your greatest hopes for the future.

The Intentional Life is not a quest for perfection, but for personal and spiritual growth, and increased intimacy in your family and other significant relationships. Practiced daily, intentional living will free you to live a better, more fulfilled life in Christ.


Marriage and Relationships

  1. Get Your Marriage On website and podcast, hosted by Dan Purcell. I found Dan’s podcast to be particularly helpful because of the range of topics he covers. His guests are doctors, researchers, and therapists in areas related to marriage and physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


  1. The San Diego Institute for Couples and Families recognizes that building strong relationships creates happier individuals and families leading to stronger communities.

  1. Abby Medcalf’s website is an excellent source of information on relationships. In her Communications Toolkit for Couples, she says “The problem isn’t LACK of communication but TYPE of communication, you can implement strategies that build trust, put the focus on the right thing, and get you connected… even if you’ve felt like the distance between you is wider than the Grand Canyon…”


  1. One Extraordinary Marriage website and podcast hosted by Tony and Alisha DiLorenzo.

  1. Ultimate Intimacy website and podcast hosted by Nick and Amy.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD-1)

  1. Mark Hutten’s Website and YouTube channel are valuable resources, filled with advice and guidance for both the ASD-1 and the neurotypical (NT) partner. Hutten also runs online group sessions for ASD-1 men and NT spouses whose marriages are struggling with the ramifications of personality differences.

Hutten has a good YouTube video which includes an extensive questionnaire on diagnosing ASD-1. It is not a clinical diagnosis, but does cover all the points that will enable the viewer to determine if ASD-1 traits are present.


  1. The Neurodiverse Christian Couples podcast is hosted by Dr Stephanie Holmes and her husband Dan. They cover a wide range of topics on the topic of Autism as it affects relationships. Also visit their website for more information and their blog.

  1. Autism From the Inside. Their vision is for autistic people to have the confidence to live an authentic life with a strong sense of identity, inclusion, belonging, and social connection. Founded by Paul Micallef, who discovered he was autistic at age 30, they offer a range of courses, events and coaching services for autistic adults and children, parents, educators, and the wider community.

They tailor their programs to meet the diverse needs and interests of the autistic community. Whether you want to learn more about autism, develop new skills or connect with like-minded individuals, they’ve got you covered.

They also create educational neuro-affirming content and facilitate a private membership community to share a lived experience perspective on the joys and challenges experienced by autistic children and adults, as well as the people who support them.


  1. Altogether Autism is a web-based information resource for people on the autism spectrum, their families, and professionals working in this field.

Autism is not an illness or disease and cannot be ‘cured’. Many autistic adults consider that being autistic is fundamental to their identity.

Autism is a spectrum.  This means that some people are affected more than others. For example, some autistic people do not use verbal language, while others have excellent spoken language skills but may find it difficult to understand what other people mean.

While all autistic people share some common differences in the way they see, hear and feel the world, they all have different strengths and abilities and challenges which affect their lives in different ways at different ages and in different environments.

  1. Tony Attwood’s books are known and respected worldwide for his detailed knowledge and insights about autism.