Jesus’ Great Commandment was to go into all the world and make disciples, not make decisions. The Bible has no references to alter-calls, or Sinner’s prayers, instead, it calls us to imitate Christ, to be apprentices (disciples) on the Galilean Rabbi. Dedicating our daily lives to following Jesus’ example is the process of discipleship which is a blend of faith and practice. This page focuses on resources for Discipleship, providing tools for being with and becoming like Jesus

The Bema Podcast

Hosted by Marty Solomon and Brent Billings

Marty teaches the Bible from a Hebrew rabbinical tradition, bringing new perspectives to everything he discusses. I recommend this podcast for anyone who wants to understand the Bible in the Ancient Near Eastern mindset.

The Apprenticeship Way

Hosted by Marc Alan Schelske

The Apprenticeship Way is a Podcast about spiritual growth following the way of Jesus.

The One Verse Podcast

Hosted by Jeremy Myers

In the One Verse podcast, author and blogger Jeremy Myers provides verse-by-verse Bible teaching to show how Scripture does not enslave us to the shackles of religion, but instead liberates us from religion by drawing us into a loving and dynamic relationship with God.

The Commoners Communion Podcast

Hosted by writer and folk-psalmist Strahan Coleman 

The Commoners Communion podcast is a conversational look at Christian spirituality through the lens of beauty, mystery and revelation.

The Liturgical Rebels

Hosted by Christine Sine

The Liturgical Rebels podcast is for spiritual seekers who no longer feel comfortable with a traditional approach to Christian religious observances. It empowers followers of Jesus to creatively reconstruct their faith and spiritual practices.

Through conversation with groundbreaking practitioners from around the world who think creatively about new approaches to spirituality, we will emphasize the sacredness of all things and uncover ways in which God speaks to us through nature and creativity, through restorative justice and environmental concern, and through the mundane and ordinary acts of daily life. This podcast is for those who don’t want to just deconstruct, but also to reconstruct faith and spiritual practices; those who want to reshape belief and practice to journey closer to God and the wholeness, peace, justice and flourishing God intends not just for us as individuals but for the earth and all its inhabitants.