Arise Church: A Theological and Cultural Reflection

Written by Rev. Frank Ritchie (July 2022)

This article offers a cautionary tale for churches of all sizes and flavours. Where some people of faith may feel as if their community is immune from such problems, it needs to be recognised that wherever power is exercised between people, there is the risk that there will be significant issues. All churches, as history teaches us, face the possible danger of damaging people. People allow churches and those with authority within them to have influence in their lives, including many who are vulnerable, so vigilance in the care of congregations, in one’s vocation as a pastor, in the use of power, and in how pastors and others in governance understand the nature of the Church is required.

Mary, The Tower

Sermon by Diana Butler-Bass (July 2022)

A powerful reminder that our truth is only as strong as the integrity of those who passed it down to us. Just because everyone thinks it is true, does not make it correct.

This sermon brings to light biblical translation and transcription errors that have substantially changed how we read the text.

Mary Magdalene had her status diminished to that of a prostitute by Pope Gregory the Great (6th century), but it turns out that he was not the only person to minimise Mary’s status and role in the first century church.