Advent 2023
The first week of Advent had hope as its central theme.
The commonly held belief is that Jesus came to die a substitutionary death for our sins and rise again to break the power of death. If that was the sum total of his mission, then why wait 30 years? Why not die at the age of two when Herod killed all the boys? His perfection was no more and no less for the passage of time. So, what have we been hoping for this week?
We have been invited to reflect on the damaged world in which we all live and to hope for a messiah who will bring justice to the afflicted, recovery of sight to the blind, and freedom from issues that keep us bound. This is far more than an eschatological lifeboat or escape mechanism that zaps us away from our troubles and afflictions while the rest of the world goes to Hell in a hand basket. It is the hope that all people can live a life of fullness and freedom as exampled by Jesus throughout his live and ministry.
It is easy in our Western consumerism and individualism to look for personal benefits provided by a personal messiah, instead of seeing the magnitude of what happened at Jesus’ birth. God broke into time in order to live as we live, suffer as we suffer, love as we love. In all of this he was our example of how we can live in relationship with God throughout our lives.
Living a God-centred life, that is something worth hoping for.
This coming week is focused on Peace. May your Advent meditations be blessed with new insights about God’s peace for all people as you anticipate the imminent arrival of the Messiah of the world.
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