Spirituality and Practice
Spiritual practices are not activities to add to your busy schedule or crowded “to do” list. They are not confined to a special place or time. They are what you do every day. They are how you wake up and come alive to the spiritual reality all around you. Practice is the path we travel on our spiritual journey, so everything we do can be a practice.
(As expressed in the book “Big Questions“, if God is the God of all creation, then spirituality is universal and not confined to Christianity. Truth about God can be found in every culture and faith system, so this website has been included because it discusses many ways that spirituality can be practiced in our daily lives. Not all the practices on this site will be a fit for every person, so use what you find helpful and leave the rest.)
Spiritual Practices: Deepening Our Relationship with God
We believe there is an invitation into deeper intimacy with God. If you are new on your walk with Jesus, you might still be learning about the ways in which each of us are hard-wired to best spend time in God’s presence.
If you’ve been a Christian for a while, it’s good to reflect on whether there is an invitation to try a new spiritual discipline or practice as an opportunity to deepen intimacy.
We have gathered a range of resources here that are a snapshot of common spiritual disciplines. Have a look at see if there’s anything new that leaps out at you. Some of them are based around prayer and worship. Some around the relationships we have with other Christians, or with the wider world and community around us.