What does God want us to do?
- Love Mercy
- Do Justice
- Walk Humbly with God
– Micah 6:8
Justice is often confused with judgement, but they are very different from each other. Biblical Justice is about making things right, and includes:
- Action: Feed the hungry. Intent: Nourish those who are unable to provide basic needs
- Action: Clothe the naked. Intent: Cover and remove the shame of poverty
- Action: House the homeless. Intent: Shelter those who have no external protection
- Action: Support widows. Intent: Care for those who are disadvantaged by the actions of others
- Action: Care for orphans. Intent: Care for those who cannot care for themselves
- Action: Visit the prisoner. Intent: Care for those who are disadvantaged by their own actions
The following resources relate to Biblical Justice
Bridgetown Justice Summit
This message is an overview of the call to do Justice throughout the Bible.
World Vision: The Biblical meaning of Justice
Biblical references to the word “justice” mean “to make right.” Justice is, first and foremost, a relational term — people living in right relationship with God, one another, and the natural creation. From a scriptural point of view, justice means loving our neighbor as we love ourselves and is rooted in the character and nature of God. As God is just and loving, so we are called to do justice and live in love.
As Christians, the building blocks of social justice lie in human dignity, human flourishing, and the sacredness of life. The source of social justice is God’s perfect righteousness, justice, and radical love.
Holi Boli Fashion
Holi Boli is an ethical women’s clothing manufacturer and fashion label based in rural India. They employ local women and provide training, fair wages and meaningful employment.
- Child-free labour
- Fair-pay labour
- Safe working conditions
- Equal rights and opportunities
- Work / Life balance
- Eco-friendly manufacturing
- Vegan fashion