What others say…
From the beginning, Christians have been called to be prepared to “give an answer to everyone who asks” about the hope that is found in Jesus Christ (I Peter 3:15). This calling becomes increasingly important for the contemporary Western church as it finds itself immersed in a progressively post-Christian culture.
In his book, Big Questions, Brian Hight engages many of the most pressing questions that confront the Christian worldview today. The responses that Hight offers are consistently characterized by biblically-grounded reflection, clear and creative thinking, and a charitable, winsome spirit. Big Questions is a very helpful resource for those who desire to competently represent the Christian worldview in our contemporary culture.”
Paul Eddy, Professor of Biblical & Theological Studies, Bethel University, Teaching Pastor, Woodland Hills Church
A popular Jewish author and scholar, noted that ‘Christians often quote a verse to end a debate, while Jewish people quote a verse to start one’. Sadly, to many pastors and Christian teachers today have lost the ability to teach the Bible in a way that encourages their listeners to ask questions, especially about some of the bigger issues of life.
I applaud Brian, for his openness and honesty to discuss some of the bigger questions that people are asking about God, life in the Bible. I hope this helpful book will inspire many thoughtful discussions, because we will all be better and wiser for it.”
Mike Wilson, Pastor (Retired) Engage Church, Napier, NZ
Brian presents a diverse set of topics that are germane to all of us. Not only does he present his view, he openly and humbly invites the reader to review the information, make a critical assessment and come to a conclusion that might or might not be in agreement with him. Each section and set of questions are worth sitting with. This book allows you to go as deep as you are willing and both Brian and I are inviting you to the deep end.”
Rev. Dan Holmes MS